This is going to sound odd, but I really like the way The “Dot Collector” is described in Ray Dalio’s book, “Principals” I really want to reverse engineer that software…
TLDR; real time feedback on all people that participate with no “judgement”
So here is a perfect example with something very relevant. Elon Musk and what he just did on Monday. THIS IS AN EXAMPLE OF A SYSTEM NOT A DEBATE ON WHAT WAS DONE, DON’T BRING UP SHIT THAT DOESNT BELONG IN THIS POST.
There are 3 major objective views:
A: He is a fascist and he put it right out there for you to see.
B: As a diagnosed Autistic, he was overwhelmed with emotion and was “Stimming”
C: He did a motion of “From my hart to you” as seen by many other people and he is being attacked just because of what side of the political isle he is on.
I ‘m not giving an opinion on this action but this is a perfect example for what the Dot Collector does, It takes an overall heat map of everyone’s view of the statement along with the history of the statement allowing you to know if an comment is biased.
So, in said example, you have 100 people comment on your statement, Lets say you choose “A” above. out of the 100 people, 75 give a positive agreement towards it, 15 Meh, 10 strong negative. In this scenario, you can see that most people agree with your statement, and you can check the history of the 75 (or have some number score for congruency) so you know if they always lean in a direction or if they are all over the place.

This gives you 2 vital KPIs. how was the current statement taken, and what is your audience look like.
As an example, I am on almost all platforms because I like to take in all sides of events before forming my own opinion, so I am on FB, Inst, Snap, Reddit, Tik, Truth, Rumble, X, BSky, Linkedin, Nextdoor, Alignable, and yes even Rednote (and I know that I am giving data to the CPP)
so Statement “A” gets celebrated on FB, Insta, BSky. It’s Meh on Snap, Reddit, and Tiktok because those are more personal in their algos. it is negative on X, Truth, and Rumble. It has no place on Link, Next, and Align.
While “B” and “C” would be flipped 180 from “A”. because of how polarized everything is. So, with an observation like I just made, you can get a sense if you have a heavy, Left or Right demographic based on the vote histories of everyone involved in a comment.
I picked this example because I don’t think we can truly know what is going on. but I would want to lean on my own critical thinking and not have a “fact checker” that is really a right or left wing nut job deciding something is true or not because it might make them “feel bad”…
I am always for a true meritocracy (the best ideas win) and not allow personal bias to sway if something is actually a fact.
Another undisputable fact that this would have helped with: Ivermectin. This will sound “Maga” and I’m not that at all, this pure fact you can look up. Ivermectin has been in use for well over 50 years, with more than 1 billion treatment cases. It’s inventor won a Nobel Prize because of it. During 2020 when the GOV wanted to use Emergency Use Authorization, a clause is that there can be no other available drug for treating something in order to earn that classification. So it was vilified, people called it a Horse de-wormer etc,. a few years after that, it was quietly restored to the CDC’s list of recommended treatments, and is one of the preferred methods of treatment.
Now, in a biased “Fact checking” scenario, any time before 2019 if you talked about Ivermectin, it was used for snake byte treatments, and many other things, no one would have checked you. then in 2020 its existence threatened the EUA so it was attacked, you were marked as “Misinformation” or blocked, or shadow ban for saying other wise. and in 2024, it was put back in place as a “Good option” and you are no longer fact checked on it… That is political manipulation at work and no matter how you feel about the recommended treatment, if you wanted it and the boosters or if you this it’s “5g” or something else crazy you should be allowed to make your own choice.
In a Dot Collection world, you get a heat map like above… you see that there are sources on one side with one view and sources on the other side with the opposite view and a few in between, then as a rational, critically thinking adult, you decide if you want the new thing you are being suggested, you if you want to take a thing that has been around for years. It lets you look past the bots and heavy political opinions and lets you decide for your self.